Chad Gable wyraził swoje niezadowolenie, Kolejne problemy zdrowotne w WWE, Kolejne seminarium szkoły Mr Andersona


» WWE SmackDown Live Superstar Chad Gable wypowiedział się na temat braku sprawiedliwości po kontrowersyjnej porażce doznanej w starciu o SmackDown Tag Team Championship z The Usos:

» W tym tygodniu obecny WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore przebywał w szpitalu ze względu na chorobę, którą nabył jakiś czas temu. Portal Wrestling Inc informuje o tym, że jeszcze kilka osób z federacji World Wrestling Entertainment ma ten sam problem.

» The Academy: School of Professional Wrestling w Minneapolis ogłosiła kolejne seminarium szkoleniowe, które odbędzie się 19 lutego. Warto zaznaczyć, że założycielami tej szkoły są Shawn Daivari oraz Mr. Anderson:

The Academy: School of Professional Wrestling is proud to announce that our next training seminar will feature former WWE/D-generation X & TNA Impact Wrestling Superstar “Mr. Ass” Billy Gunn. We will be holding two seminars at @theacademyprowrestling and they are open to anyone looking to learn and gain experience in the world of professional wrestling. All are welcome, from those with zero pro-wrestling training, to established pro-wrestlers looking to expand their knowledge of professional wrestling to take their game to the next level. The first seminar will be held from 6:30pm to 8:30pm for those who have had 0 to 20 professional wrestling matches. From 8:30pm to 10:30pm will be the second seminar for those who have had 20+ pro-wrestling matches. Participation in the seminar of your experience level is $50. You can attend both seminars for $75. Billy Gunn brings a staggering 32 years of pro-wrestling experience, having success as both a singles wrestler where in the WWE he won both the Intercontinental Champions as well being crowned the WWE’s King of the Ring. He’s also a record setting 11-time WWE Tag-Team Champion, most notably with the Road Dogg as The New Aged Outlaws with D-Generation X. In 2005, Billy started working for TNA Impact Wrestling as Kip James where he competed in the ring until 2009 and then transitioned into a backstage role working as an agent helping produce matches. Billy returned to the WWE in 2012 to reunite with D-Generation X, and then again in 2014 where he reunited with Road Dogg to capture his 11th WWE Tag-Team Championship. In 2015, Gunn was appointed as one of the coaches for the 6th season of Tough Enough. When the season ended, Gunn stayed on with the WWE as a coach at their Performance Center and as a Producer/Road Agent for NXT. For more information or to register for the seminar, please visit: #wwe #raw #smackdown #nxt #tna #impactwrestling #gfw #roh #luchaundergound #njpw #imanassman

Post udostępniony przez Shawn Daivari (@sdaivari)

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