Znamy dwa nowe feudy po WrestleManii 34, Najchętniej oglądane programy w WWE Network, Metamorfoza Trish Stratus


» Niespodziewanie po WrestleManii 34 na live eventach reklamowane są pojedynki z udziałem Romana Reignsa i Samoa Joe oraz Asuki i Nia Jax. Poniżej przedstawiamy zaktualizowaną kartę walk jakie odbędą się 27 maja na evencie w Hampton:

* Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe

* Braun Strowman vs Elias

* The Miz vs Seth Rollins vs Finn Balor o IC Championship

* Asuka vs Nia Jax

» Poniżej przedstawiamy listę dziesięciu najlepszych programów zeszłego tygodnia w sieci WWE Network. Niespodziewanie na pierwszym miejscu uplasował się 10 tydzień turnieju Mixed Match Challenge, w którym The Miz oraz Asuka pokonali Brauna Strowmana oraz Alexę Bliss:

1) Mixed Match Challenge Week 10

2) NXT (3/21)
3) WrestleMania 32
4) WWE 24: Empowered
5) Photo Shoot: Kofi Kingston
6) Fastlane 2018
7) Royal Rumble 2018
8) WrestleMania 33
9) WrestleMania 30
10) WrestleMania 31

» WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus za pośrednictwem Instagrama opublikowała zdjęcie porównujące jej obecne ciało z tym, kiedy była w ciąży:

If you had told me I would be celebrating my daughters first year birth month by kicking ass in a @wwe ring, I would have probably said 'get the F out of here’. But I did. – At 12 months postpartum, 12 years post retirement and 7 years since I’ve competed in a ring and since birthed 2 children – I did it…. I came. I fought. I stratusfied. – Because…. _______I AM WOMAN ✨__________________________ – And can we talk about the 7 of the 30 women in the ring at the FIRST EVER ALL WOMEN Royal Rumble that are MOTHERS?? – Just because I had a baby, doesn’t mean I have to stop doing me. In fact, I am a stronger, wiser, more bad assy version of me, because trust me, birthing and babies do that to a woman! – So let’s take a minute to shout out to the mama’s out there who are doing it, to the soon to be mama’s – get ready to be a better, stronger version of you! To @themickiejames @thebethphoenix @guerrero_vickie @saronasnukawwe @mimicalacool @thebriebella who showed us baby bumps to wrestling bumps is a thing ?? – This awesome photo was captured by world renowned fitness photographer @dave_laus. Dave is basically the king of fitness photography, he’s used to shooting the top fitness people in the world, so for him to have captured such a tender (and round!) moment, blew me away and I am forever grateful for his artistic eye. When we shot this in 2017, I was about ready to pop and I said ‘hey we should totally shoot this in 1 year but with my abs back’. I kind of said it jokingly because after two babies, I wasn’t sure they would be back. Cue Dave’s wifey @nichellelaus … she is what they call a transformation specialist (and multiple fitness cover girl, kick boxer, mom of 4, and a bad ass!). And she said in a very serious tone “whenever you are ready, let me know. I will train you. Let’s do it!”. Thx Nich, for helping me find me – and my abs again!!? – Thx to @milayudinadesign for this gorgeous styling (this cloak is from her personal collection, how awesome is it??). Hair & makeup by my girl @byvalerianova of @twochicksandsomelipstick. Shout out to @hairbystavro24 who convinced me to go full blond. And thx to @amanda__lifts for this nifty side by side edit!

Post udostępniony przez Trish Stratus (@trishstratuscom)

”Gdyby ktoś powiedział mi, że będę świętowała pierwsze urodziny mojej córki po przez kopanie tyłka w ringu @wwe, to najprawdopodobniej powiedziałaby, abyście się F****”

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