NJPW STRONG Showdown 2021: Wyniki

Zapraszamy do czytania wyników z tapingu NJPW Strong Showdown , który odbył się wczoraj. W walce wieczoru TJP rywalizował z Clarkiem Connorsem.
* Tag Team Match
Juice Robinson & David Finlay def. Kevin Knight & The DKC
FinJuice firing on all cylinders!
Watch NOW: https://t.co/CFHI03w6Wg#njpwSTRONG #njshowdown pic.twitter.com/s5v78iGs0P
— NJPW Global (@njpwglobal) November 21, 2021
* Tag Team Match
Chris Bey & El Phantasmo def. Ariya Daivari & Lio Rush
BULLET CLUB show solidarity… and so do Rush and Daivari!
Watch NOW: https://t.co/CFHI03w6Wg#njpwSTRONG #njshowdown pic.twitter.com/kXVB7K7RPJ
— NJPW Global (@njpwglobal) November 21, 2021
They might not like one another, but Bey and Rush are straight 🔥 together every time!
Watch NOW: https://t.co/CFHI03w6Wg#njpwSTRONG #njshowdown pic.twitter.com/tnNhr6Q3HA
— NJPW Global (@njpwglobal) November 21, 2021
* Single Match
TJP def. Clark Connors
NJPW STRONG dostępne jest na platformie FITE lub NJPW World.
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