Zwycięzcy WWE Slammy Awards 2015


Oto lista kategorii i zdobywców statuetek WWE Slammy Awards:

  • Superstar of the Year: Seth Rollins
  • Diva of the Year: Nikki Bella
  • Tag Team of the Year: The Usos
  • Breakout Star of the Year: Neville
  • Surprise Return of the Year: Sting
  • Match of the Year: The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar (Hell in a Cell)
  • Rivalry of the Year: The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
  • Best John Cena United States Championship Open Challenge Match of the Year: John Cena vs. Cesaro (RAW z 6 lipca)
  • The Hero in All of US Award: John Cena
  • Celebrity Moment of the Year: Skok z narożnika Stephena Amella na Stardusta podczas SummerSlam
  • Extreme Moment of the Year: Roman Reigns atakuje The League of Nations i Triple H podczas TLC
  • OMG! Shocking Moment of the Year: Kalisto za wykonanie Salida de Sol z drabiny podczas TLC
  • „Tell Me You Didn’t Just Say That” Moment of the Year: Suplex City Brocka Lesnara z WrestleManii
  • Double Cross of the Year: Damien Mizdow eliminuje The Miza z Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal podczas WrestleManii
  • This is Awesome Moment of the Year: The Rock i Ronda Rousey atakujący Triple H’a i Stephanie McMahon podczas WrestleManii.
  • LOL! Moment of the Year: R-Truth
  • Best Original WWE Network Show: Stone Cold Podcast
  • Hashtag of the Year: #SuplexCity
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