Gala HoH 23 odbyła się 17 grudnia w Joppie:

The Broad Street Brawler Steve Lombardi def. Alex Reynolds
Taya def. Jessicka Havok
Tony Nese def. Lio Rush
Dan Barry, Conor Braxton & Kikutaro def. Vik Dalishus, Eddie Kingston & TJ Marconi
Sami Callihan def. Brian Cage
Moose def. Colt Cabana
John Hennigan def. Fenix
Broken Matt Hardy def. Tommy Dreamer (Steel Cage Match)

Gala SHINE 39 odbyła się tego samego dnia w Ybor City:

Kiera Hogan def. Lindsay Snow
Jessie Belle Smothers def. Brandi Lauren
Leva Bates def. Stormie Lee
Malia Hosaka def. Priscilla Kelly
Raquel & Santana Garrett def. Jayme Jameson & Marti Belle (Shine Tag Team Championship Match)
Allysin Kay def. Tessa Blanchard
Su Yung def. Vanessa Kraven
Las Sicarias (Amanda Carolina Rodriguez, Ivelisse (c), Mercedes Martinez & Thea Trinidad) def. C4 (Amber O’Neal, Andréa, Kennadi Brink & LuFisto)


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