AEW przedstawiło kartę walk na premierowy odcinek Dark: Elevation!

All Elite Wrestling za pośrednictwem mediów społecznościowych ogłosiło kilkanaście walk na premierowy odcinek Dark: Elevation.
Przypomnijmy, że jest to nowy program od AEW, który podobnie jak Dark, będzie emitowany na YouTube. Komentatorami show zostali Paul Wight i Tony Schiavone. Premiera pierwszego odcinka w poniedziałek na godzinę przed rozpoczęciem Monday Night RAW.
Poniżej możecie zobaczyć kartę walk, którą zaprezentowała federacja:
- Jungle Boy vs Danny Limelight
- Brandon Cutler vs Powerhouse Hobbs
- Tay Conti (-1 przy ringu) vs Ashley Fox
- Max Caster vs Dante Martin
- Red Velvet vs Dani Jordyn
- Big Swole vs Skyler Moore
- Diamante vs Leila Grey
- Abadon vs Ray Lyn
- QT Marshall vs Marko Stunt
- Miro & Kip Sabian vs Vary Morales & Baron Black
- Private Party, The Butcher & The Blade (przy ringu Matt Hardy i Allie) vs Dean Alexander, Carlie Bravo, Brick Aldridge & David Ali
- Występ „wschodzącej gwiazdy” Lee Johnsona
- MAIN EVENT: Riho vs Maki Itoh
Here are more matches that were announced by #AEW GM @TonyKhan yesterday for #AEWDark: Elevation.
Jungle Boy vs. Danny Limelight
Tay Conti vs. Ashley Vox
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Brandon Cutler
Max Caster vs. Dante MartinWatch this Monday night at 7/6c –
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2021
The newest team to join the Matt Hardy Empire, The Butcher & The Blade will team up with #PrivateParty to take on Dean Alexander, Carlie Bravo, Brick Aldridge & David Ali in a HUGE 8-man tag team match at #AEWDark: Elevation
Watch Monday night at 7/6c –
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2021
The matches get more and more STACKED for #AEWDark: Elevation!
Red Velvet vs. 'The Real Mean Girl' Dani Jordyn
Ray Lyn vs. Abadon
Leila Grey vs. Diamanté
Skyler Moore vs. Big SwoleWatch the debut episode this Monday night at 7/6c –
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2021
This Monday on the debut episode of #AEWDark: Elevation, we will feature a #AEWRisingStar, and this Monday will be the #NightmareFamily member Lee Johnson! (@BigShottyLee)
Watch the debut episode this Monday night at 7/6c – #AEWElevation
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2021
'The Best Man' Miro & Kip Sabian still need to reply to the challenge made by Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy. But, before then, they team up to face Baron Black & Vary Morales on #AEWDark: Elevation
Watch the debut episode this Monday night at 7/6c –
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2021
.@realmarkostunt takes on @realmmarshall1 of the #NightamreFamily, or we hope that he's a part of the family, given the past interactions he has had with Dustin Rhodes.
Watch the debut episode of #AEWDark: Elevation Monday night at 7/6c –
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2021
As mentioned by #AEW GM Tony Khan, your main event for the DEBUT episode of #AEWDark: Elevation will be @riho_gtmv vs. @maki_itoh
Watch Monday night at 7/6c on our Official YouTube Channel –— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2021
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