ROH Honor Reigns Supreme 12 stycznia 2020: Wyniki

Poniżej przedstawiamy wyniki z eventu ROH, który odbył się w Concord.
* Rey Horus def. Andrew Everett
* Joe Hendry i Dalton Castle def. The Briscoes, PJ Black i Brian Johnson
* Sumie Sakai def. Nicole Savoy
* Dak Draper def. Danhausen
* Alex Zayne def. Bandido
* LifeBlood (Tracy Williams i Mark Haskins) def. Vincent i Bateman przez DQ
* Jeff Cobb, Dan Maff, Jay Lethal i Jonathan Gresham def. The Bouncers (Beer City Bruiser i Brawler Milonas) i Two Guys, 1 Tag (Silas Young i Josh Woods)
* Flip Gordon def. Flamita
* La Faccion Ingobernable (RUSH, Dragon Lee i Kenny King) def. Villain Enterprises (PCO, Brody King i Marty Scurll)
. @Brodyxking dive to the outside #HonorReignsSupreme
— ROH Wrestling (@ringofhonor) January 13, 2020
And your winners… #LaFaccionIngobernable #HonorReignsSupreme
— ROH Wrestling (@ringofhonor) January 13, 2020
haskins rules @ThisIsHaskins #HonorReignsSupreme
— HWAN?? (@botch205) January 13, 2020
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