ROH ’15th Anniversary PPV 2017 – Wyniki


Singles Match
Jay White def. Kenny King

Six Man Mayhem for ROH World Television Title Shot
Frankie Kazarian def. Hangman Page, Chris Sabin, Punishment Martinez, Cheeseburger, Silas Young

Top Contenders Match
Jay Lethal def. Bobby Fish

ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship
The Kingdom def. Dalton Castle & The Boys

ROH World Television Championship Match
Marty Scurll def. Lio Rush

Six Man Tag Team Match
Bully Ray & The Briscoes def. War Machine & Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Tiple Threat Las Vegas Street Fight for ROH World Tag Team Titles
The Hardys def. RPG Vice, The Young Bucks

ROH World Championship Match
Christopher Daniels def. Adam Cole
nowy mistrz: Christopher Daniels


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