WrestleMania 31 – Karta Walk + Informacje




» Showcase of the Immortals, The Grandest Stage of Them All, czyli WrestleMania odbędzie się w nocy z 29 na 30 marca o godzinie 01:00 (23:00 Pre Show) czasu polskiego i potrwa do ok. 5.00 nad ranem.

» Galę obejrzeć będziecie mogli na żywo, za darmo, bez żadnych rejestracji na WrestlingOnline.gq
(Pre Show – Channel 3;Gala główna – Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 5)

» W tym roku największa gala pro-wrestlingu odbędzie się na Levi’s Stadium w Santa Clara, Kalifornia.

» Kilka zdjęć z przygotowań areny do WrestleManii:

Bezpośredni odnośnik do obrazka

» Krótkie informacje o WrestleManii:

WrestleMania – zwana również „Najwspanialszą sceną ze wszystkich” („The Grandest Stage of Them All”), oraz „Pokazem nieśmiertelnych” („Showcase of The Immortals”) jest galą nadawaną w systemie Pay Per View. Uważana jest za największy event w historii pro-wrestlingu. Emitowana jest raz w roku zazwyczaj pod koniec marca, lub na początku kwietnia. Po raz pierwszy odbyła się ona 31 marca 1985 roku. W tym roku odbędzie się już 31 edycja tego show. W roku 2014 świętowaliśmy 30-sto lecie tego eventu, czyli WrestleMania XXX. Odbyła się ona 6 kwietnia, a miała miejsce w Nowym Orleanie w stanie Luizjana w Mercedes-Benz Superdome.


Poprzednie gale WrestleManii:
(nazwa gali – data – miasto – stan – arena – frekwencja(widownia) – main event)
WrestleMania I – 31/03/1985 – Nowy Jork – Nowy Jork – Madison Square Garden – 19,121 – Tag Team Match: Hulk Hogan & Mr.T vs. Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff (Special Guest Enforcer – Muhammad Ali, Special Guest Referee – Pat Patterson)
WrestleMania 2 – 07/04/1986 – Uniondale, Chicago, Los Angeles – Nowy Jork, Illnois, Kalifornia – Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Allstate Arena, Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena  – 16,585; 9,000; 14,500 – Boxing Match: Mr.T vs. Roddy Piper, Battle Royal: WWF vs. NFL, WWF Championship Steel Cage Match – Hulk Hogan© vs. King Kong Bundy
WrestleMania III – 29/03/1987 – Pontiac – Michigan – Silverdome – 93,173 – WWF Championship Match: Hulk Hogan© vs. André the Giant
WrestleMania IV – 27/03/1988 – Atlantic City – New Jersey – Boardwalk Hall – 18,165 – Vacant WWF Championship Match: Randy Savage vs. Ted DiBiase
WrestleMania V – 02/04/1989 – Atlantic City – New Jersey – Boardwalk Hall – 18,946 – WWF Championship Match: „Macho Man” Randy Savage© vs. Hulk Hogan
WrestleMania VI – 01/04/1990 – Toronto – Ontario – Skydome – 67,678 – WWF Championship & WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Hulk Hogan© vs. The Ultimate Warrior©
WrestleMania VII – 24/03/1991 – Los Angeles – Kalifornia – Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena – 16,158 – WWF Championship: Sgt. Slaughter© vs. Hulk Hogan
WrestleMania VIII – 05/04/1992 – Indianapolis – Indiana – Hoosier Dome – 62,167 – Singles Match: Hulk Hogan vs. Sid Justice
WrestleMania IX – 04/04/1993 – Las Vegas – Nevada – Caesars Palace – 16,891 – WWF Championship Match: Bret Hart© vs. Yokozuna
WrestleMania X – 20/03/1994 – Nowy Jork – Nowy Jork – Madison Square Garden – 18,065 – WWF Championship Match: Yokozuna© vs. Bret Hart (Special Guest Referee – Roddy Piper)
WrestleMania XI – 02/04/1995 – Hartford – Connecticut – Hartford Civic Center – 16,305 – Singles Match: Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow (Special Guest Referee – Pat Patterson)
WrestleMania XII – 31/03/1996 – Anaheim – Kalifornia – Arrowhead Pond – 18,853 – WWF Championship Iron Man Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart©
WrestleMania 13 – 23/03/1997 – Chicago – Illnois – Rosemont Horizon – 18,197 – WWF Championship No Disqualification Match: The Undertaker vs. Sycho Sid©
WrestleMania XIV – 29/03/1998 – Boston – Massachusetts – FleetCenter – 19,028 – WWF Championship Match: Shawn Michaels© vs. Steve Austin (Special Guest Enforcer – Mike Tyson)
WrestleMania XV – 28/03/1999 – Filadelfia – Pensylvania – First Union Center – 20,276 – WWF Championship No Disqualification Match: The Rock© vs. Steve Austin (Special Guest Referee – Mankind)
WrestleMania 2000 – 02/04/2000 – Anaheim – Kalifornia – Arrowhead Pond – 18,034 – WWF Championship Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match: Triple H© vs. The Rock vs. Big Show vs. Mick Foley
WrestleMania X-Seven – 01/04/2001 – Houston – Texas – Reliant Astrodome – 67,925 – WWF Championship No Disqualification Match: The Rock© vs. Steve Austin
WrestleMania X8 – 17/03/2002 – Toronto – Ontario – Skydome – 68,237 – Undisputed WWF Championship Match: Triple H vs. Chris Jericho©
WrestleMania XIX – 30/03/2003 – Seattle – Waszyngton – Safeco Field – 54,097 – WWE Championship Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle©
WrestleMania XX – 14/03/2004 – Nowy Jork – Nowy Jork – Madison Square Garden – 18,000 – World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match: Chris Benoit vs. Triple H© vs. Shawn Michaels
WrestleMania 21 – 03/04/2005 – Los Angeles – Kalifornia – Staples Center – 20,193 – World Heavyweight Championship Match: Batista vs. Triple H©
WrestleMania 22 – 02/04/2006 – Chicago – Illnois – Allstate Arena – 17,159 – WWE Championship Match: John Cena© vs. Triple H
WrestleMania 23 – 01/04/2007 – Detroit – Michigan – Ford Field – 80,103 – WWE Championship Match: John Cena© vs. Shawn Michaels
WrestleMania XXIV – 30/03/2008 – Orlando – Floryda – Citrus Bowl – 74,635 – World Heavyweight Championship Match: The undertaker vs. Edge©
WrestleMania XXV – 05/04/2009 – Houston – Texas – Reliant Stadium – 72,744 – WWE Championship Match: Triple H© vs. Randy Orton
WrestleMania XXVI – 28/03/2010 – Glendale – Arizona – University of Phoenix Stadium – 72,219 – The Streak vs. Carrer Match: The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
WrestleMania XXVII – 03/04/2011 – Atlanta – Georgia – Georgia Dome – 71,617 – WWE Championship No Disqualification Match: The Miz© vs. John Cena
WrestleMania XXVIII – 01/04/2012 – Miami Gardens – Florida – Sun Life Stadium – 78,363 – Singles Match: The Rock vs. John Cena
WrestleMania 29 – 07/04/2013 – East Rutherford – New Jersey – MetLife Stadium – 80,676 – WWE Championship Match: The Rock© vs. John Cena
WrestleMania XXX – 06/04/2014 – Nowy Orlean – Luizjana – Mercedes-Benz Superdome – 75,167 – WWE World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton© vs. Batista

Najwięcej występów na WrestleManii:
The Undertaker – 22

Pięciu najlepszych zapaśników na WrestleManii:
1. Hulk Hogan
2. Shawn Michaels
3. The Undertaker
4. Bret Hart
5. Randy Savage

Zmiany posiadaczy pasów na WrestleManii:
WM 1 – World Tag Team Title: Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff def. Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo
WM 1 – Wendi Richter def. Lelani Kai
WM 2 – World Tag Team Title: The British Bulldogs def. Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake
WM 3 – Intercontinental Title: Ricky Steamboat def. Randy Savage
WM 4 – World Tag Team Title: Demolition def. Strike Force
WM 4 – WWF Title: Randy Savage wygrał turniej i został mistrzem
WM 5 – Intercontinental Title: Rick Rude def. The Ultimate Warrior
WM 5 – WWF Title: Hulk Hogan def. Randy Savage
WM 6 – World Tag Team Title: Demolition def. Andre the Giant & Haku
WM 6 – WWF Title: The Ultimate Warrior def. Hulk Hogan
WM 7 – World Tag Team Title: The Nasty Boys def. The Hart Foundation
WM 7 – WWF Title: Hulk Hogan def. Sgt. Slaughter
WM 8 – I-C Title: Bret Hart def. Roddy Piper
WM 8 – WWF Title: Randy Savage def. Ric Flair
WM 9 – WWF Title: Yokozuna def. Bret Hart
WM 9 – WWF Title: Hulk Hogan def. Yokozuna
WM 10 – WWF Title: Bret Hart def. Yokozuna
WM 11 – World Tag Team Title: Owen Hart & Yokozuna def. The Smokin’ Guns
WM 12 – WWF Title: Shawn Michaels def. Bret Hart w Iron Man Match’u
WM 13 – WWF Title: The Undertaker def. Sid
WM 14 – World Tag Team Title: Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie def. The New Age Outlaws in a dumpster match
WM 14 – WWF Title: Steve Austin def. Shawn Michaels
WM 15 – Hardcore Title: Bob Holly def. Champ Billy Gunn & Al Snow
WM 15 – WWF Title: Steve Austin def. The Rock
WM 16 – Hardcore Title: Hardcore Holly wygrał Hardcore Battle Royal
WM 16 – World Tag Team Titles: Edge & Christian def. Champs The Dudley Boyz & The Hardy Boys w Ladder Match’u
WM 16 – Intercontinental Title: Chris Benoit def. Champ Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho
WM 16 – European Title: Chris Jericho def. Champ Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit
WM 17 – Hardcore Title: Kane def. Champ Raven & The Big Show
WM 17 – European Title: Eddie Guerrero def. Test
WM 17 – Women’s Title: Chyna def. Ivory
WM 17 – World Tag Team Titles: Edge & Christian def. The Dudley Boyz & The Hardy Boys w TLC Match’u
WM 17 – WWF Title: Steve Austin def. The Rock
WM 18 – Intercontinental Title: Rob Van Dam def. William Regal
WM 18 – WWF Title: Triple H def. Chris Jericho
WM 19 – Women’s Title: Trish Stratus def. Victoria
WM 19 – WWE Title: Brock Lesnar def. Kurt Angle
WM 20 – United States Title: John Cena def. The Big Show
WM 20 – World Heavyweight Title: Chris Benoit def. Champ Triple H & Shawn Michaels
WM 21 – WWE Title: John Cena def. JBL
WM 21 – World Heavyweight Title: Batista def. Triple H
WM 22 – Women’s Title: Trish Startus def.  Mickie James
WM 22 – United States Title: JBL def. Chris Benoit
WM 23 – World Heavyweight Title: The Undertaker def. Batista
WM 24 – ECW Title: Kane def. Chavo Guerrero
WM 24 – World Heavyweight Title: The Undertaker def. Edge
WM 25 – Intercontinental Title: Rey Mysterio def. JBL
WM 25 – World Heavyweight Title: John Cena def. Champion Edge & Big Show
WM 26 – WWE Title: John Cena def. Batista
WM 27 – Po raz pierwszy na WrestleManii nie doszło do zmiany posiadacza żadnego z tytułów
WM 28 – World Heavyweight Championship: Sheamus def. Daniel Bryan
WM 28 – Intercontinental Title: Big Show def. Cody Rhodes
WM 29 – WWE Championship: John Cena def. The Rock
WM 30 – WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan def. Champion Randy Orton and Batista

Najdłuższy pojedynek na WrestleManii:
WrestleMania 12: Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels – WWF Championship Iron Man Match (1:01:52)

Najkrótszy pojedynek na WrestleManii:
WrestleMania 24: Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero – ECW Championship Match (oo:o9)

Najdłuższa walka wieczoru na WrestleManii:
WrestleMania 9: Hulk Hogan vs. Yokozuna – WWF Championship (00:22)

Walka z największą liczbą zawodników:
WrestleMania 14: Tag Team Battle Royal (30-stu zawodników)
WrestleMania 30: André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal (30-stu zawodników)

Mixed Tag Team Match’e:
WrestleMania 6: Dusty Rhodes & Sapphire vs. Randy Savage & Sherri Martel
WrestleMania 10: Doink & Dink vs. Luna Vachon & Bam Bam Bigelow
WrestleMania 14: Marc Mero & Sable vs. Goldust & Luna
WrestleMania 16: Too Cool & Chyna vs. Eddie Guerrero, Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko
WrestleMania 27: Snooki, Trish Stratus, & John Morrison vs. Michelle McCool, Layla, & Dolph Ziggler

Rewanże na WrestleManii:
WrestleMania 3-4: Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant
WrestleMania 9-10: Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna
WrestleMania 15-17-19: The Rock vs. Steve Austin
WrestleMania 14-20: The Undertaker vs. Kane
WrestleMania 16: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho (dwa razy jednej nocy)
WrestleMania 16-17: Edge & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz vs The Hardy Boyz
WrestleMania 25-26: The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
WrestleMania 17-27-28: The Undertaker vs. Triple H
WrestleMania 28-29: The Rock vs. John Cena

Hair vs. Hair Match’e:
WM 3: Adrian Adonis vs. Roddy Piper
WM 20: Victoria vs. Molly Holly
WM 23: Battle of the Billionaires – Umaga vs. Lashley

Ladder Match’e:
WM 10: Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels
WM 16: The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian
WM 17: The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian
WM 21: Edge vs. Chris Benoit vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian
WM 22: Rob Van Dam vs. Matt Hardy vs. Lashley vs. Finlay vs. Ric Flair vs. Shelton Benjamin
WM 23: Ken Kennedy vs. Edge vs. CM Punk vs. King Booker vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton
WM 24: CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho vs. Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin
WM 25: CM Punk vs. Mark Henry vs. Finlay vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston
WM 26: Christian vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston

Walki z udziałem celebrytów:
WM 1: Mr. T & Hulk Hogan vs. Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff
WM 2: Mr. T vs. Roddy Piper in a boxing match
WM 2: 20 man battle royal with several NFL players
WM 11: Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
WM 15: Butterbean vs. Bart Gunn
WM 21: Akebono vs. The Big Show
WM 24: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Big Show
WM 27: Snooki, Trish Stratus, & John Morrison vs. Michelle McCool, Layla, & Dolph Ziggler
WM 28: Maria Menounos & Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve

Handicap Match’e:
WM 5: Demolition vs. The Powers of Pain and Mr. Fuji
WM 19: Undertaker vs. Big Show & A-Train
WM 22: The Boogey Man vs. Booker T & Sharmell
WM 25: Chris Jericho vs. Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka, & Ricky Steamboat

Heel vs. Heel Match’e:
WM 15: The Undertaker vs The Big Bossman

Face vs. Face Match’e:
WM 6: Hulk Hogan vs The Ultimate Warrior
WM 8: Roddy Piper vs Bret Hart
WM 12: Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels
WM 13: Undertaker vs Sid
WM 17: The Rock vs Steve Austin
WM 23: Shawn Michaels vs John Cena
WM 23: The Undertaker vs Batista
WM 24: Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels
WM 25: Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
WM 26: Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
WM 27: Undertaker vs. Triple H
WM 28: Undertaker vs. Triple H
WM 28: The Rock vs. John Cena
WM 29: The Rock vs. John Cena

Statystyki każdego zawodnika biorącego udział w WrestleManii:
Adam Bomb 0-1
Adrian Adonis 1-1
Aguila 0-1
Ahmed Johnson 1-1
AJ Lee 1-0
Akebono 1-0
Akio 0-1
Aksana 0-1
Al Snow 0-2
Albert 1-1
Alberto Del Rio 1-2
Alicia Fox 1-2
Alundra Blayze 1-0
Andre the Giant 2-3-1
Animal 3-0
Arn Anderson 1-0
Ashley 0-2
Ax 3-0
B Brian Blair 0-3
Bad News Brown 1-0-2
Bam Bam Bigelow 1-2
Barbarian 1-2
Barry Windham 0-2
Bart Gunn 0-3
Batista 3-3
Beth Phoenix 1-3
Big Bossman 5-1
Big E Langston 0-2
Big John Studd 0-2
Big Show 4-10
Bill Fralic 0-1
Bill Goldberg 1-0
Billy Gunn 1-4
Billy Jack Haynes 0-0-1
Billy Kidman 0-1
Bob Backlund 0-2
Bob Holly 2-1
Bob Orton 0-1
Bobby Heenan 1-1
Boogey Man 1-0
Booker T 1-5
Boris Zuckhov 0-2
Brad Maddox 0-1
Bray Wyatt 0-1
Bret Hart 8-6
Brian Christopher 1-1
Brian Knobbs 1-1
Brie Bella 0-2
Brock Lesnar 2-2
Brodus Clay 0-1
Brother Love 0-1
Bruno Sammartino 0-1
Brutus Beefcake 3-2-2
Bubba Ray Dudley 0-4
Bull Buchanan 1-1
Bushwhacker Butch 1-1
Bushwhacker Luke 1-1
Butch Reed 1-1
Butterbean 1-0
Cameron 0-1
Candice Michelle 0-1
Carlito 0-2
Cesaro 1-0
Chainz 0-1
Charlie Haas 1-1
Chavo Guerrero 1-2
Chris Benoit 3-5
Chris Jericho 4-8
Chris Masters 0-1
Christian 4-5
Christy Hemme 0-1
Chuck Palumbo 1-0
Chyna 2-0
CM Punk 3-4
Cody Rhodes 1-3
Cpl. Kirchner 1-0
Crash Holly 0-1
Crush 0-4
Curt Hennig 1-3
Dallas Page 1-0
Damien Sandow 0-1
Daniel Bryan 3-1
Danny Basham 0-1
Danny Davis 1-1
Danny Spivey 0-1
Darren Young 0-1
Davey Boy Smith 4-2-1
David Otunga 1-1
David Sammartino 0-0-1
Dean Ambrose 2-0
Dean Malenko 0-1
Diesel 1-1
Dink 0-1
Dino Bravo 1-3
D-Lo Brown 0-3
Doink (not Matt Borne) 0-1
Dolph Ziggler 1-4
Don Muraco 1-2-1
Dory Funk 1-0
Doug Basham 0-1
Doug Furnas 0-1
Drew McIntyre 1-2
Duke Droese 0-1
Dusty Rhodes 1-0
D-Von Dudley 0-4
Dynamite Kid 1-2
Earthquake 4-1
Eddie Guerrero 2-3
Edge 6-4
Eli Blu (8 Ball) 0-2
Elijah Burke 0-1
Emma 0-1
Ernie Holmes 0-1
Eva Marie 0-1
Evan Bourne 0-1
Eve Torres 0-3
Executioner 0-1
Ezekiel Jackson 0-1
Fabulous Moolah 1-0
Faarooq 1-5
Fandango 1-1
Finlay 0-4
Flash Funk 0-1
Floyd Mayweather Jr. 1-0
Funaki 0-2
Gail Kim 0-2
Garrison Cade 0-1
Genichiro Tenyru 1-0
George Steele 0-2
George Welles 0-1
Giant Gonzalez 0-1
Gobbledy Gooker 0-1
Goldust 0-6
Goon 0-1
Great Khali 1-2
Greg Valentine 2-5
Haiti Kid 1-0
Haku (Tonga) 1-4
Harley Race 1-1
Harvey Martin 0-1
Hawk 3-0
Headbanger Mosh 1-2
Headbanger Thrash 1-2
Heath Slater 0-2
Henry Godwinn 0-2
Hercules 1-4-1
Hillbilly Jim 1-3
Honky Tonk Man 1-2
Hulk Hogan 8-3-1
Hurricane 1-1
Iron Sheik 3-1
Ivory 0-1
Jackie Gayda 0-2
Jacob Blu (Skull) 0-2
Jack Swagger 2-1
Jacques Rougeau (The Mountie) 1-6
Jake Roberts 3-4-1
Jamie Knoble 0-1
Jazz 1-1
JBL 2-8
Jeff Hardy 0-5
Jeff Jarrett 1-1
Jerry Lawler 0-1
Jerry Saggs 1-1
Jesus Castillo 0-1
Jillian 0-1
Jim Brunzell 0-3
Jim Cornette 0-1
Jim Duggan 2-1-1
Jim Neidhardt 3-3
Jim Powers 0-1
Jimbo Covert 0-1
Jimmy Snuka 0-3
Jinder Mahal 0-1
Joey Abs 0-1
John Cena 8-3
John Morrison 1-2
Jose Estrada 0-1
Joy Giovanni 0-1
Junk Yard Dog 1-3
Justin Gabriel 0-2
Kama Mustafa (The Godfather/Goodfather) 0-3
Kamala 0-1
Kane 7-9
Kat 0-1
Katie Lea Burchill 0-1
Kato 1-0
Kelly Kelly 1-2
Ken Kennedy 1-1
Ken Patera 0-1
Ken Shamrock 0-2
Kerry Von Erich 1-0
Kevin Thorn 0-1
Kij Kitao 1-0
Kim Chee 0-1
King Kong Bundy 1-3
Kofi Kingston 1-4
Koko B Ware 0-3
Kurt Angle 3-5
Lashley 1-1
Lawrence Taylor 1-0
Layla 1-3
Lelani Kai 0-2
Lex Luger 2-1
Lita 0-1
Little Beaver 1-0
Little Tokyo 0-1
Lord Littlebrook 0-1
Luna Vachon 1-1
Mable (Viscera) 1-1
Marc Mero 1-0
Marcus Cor Von 0-1
Maria Kanellis 0-2
Maria Menounos 1-0
Mark Henry 2-4
Mark Jindrack 0-1
Marty Jannetty 1-2
Maryse 1-1
Matt Borne (Doink) 1-2
Matt Hardy 2-6
Matt Striker 0-1
Maven 1-1
Melina 2-1
Michael Cole 1-0
Michael Hayes 0-1
Michele McCool 1-2
Mick Foley (Mankind/Cactus Jack) 2-3-1
Mickie James 1-2
Miguel Perez 0-1
Mike Rotundo (IRS) 1-2
Miz 3-1
Mo 1-0
Molly Holly 1-3
Montel Vontavius Porter 0-4
Mr. Fuji 0-1
Mr. T 2-0
Naomi 0-1
Natalya Neidhart 0-2
Nikki Bella 0-2
Nikolai Volkoff 2-4
Nunzio 0-1
One Man Gang (Akeem) 2-3
Owen Hart (Blue Blazer) 5-2-1
Paul Orndorff 0-1-1
Paul Roma 0-2
Pedro Morales 0-1
Perry Saturn 0-1
Pete Gas 0-1
Phil Lafon 0-1
Phinneas Godwinn 0-2
Pierre Ouelette 0-2
R-Truth 0-3
Randy Orton 4-7
Randy Savage 7-4
Raven 0-1
Raymond Rougeau 0-3
Recon 0-1
Renee Dupree 0-1
Rey Mysterio 4-4
Rhyno 0-1
Ric Flair 1-4
Rick Martel 2-4
Rick Rude 2-0-1
Rick Steiner 1-0
Ricky Morton 0-1
Ricky Steamboat 3-2
Rikishi (Fatu/The Sultan) 2-2
Road Dogg 1-3
Rob Conway 0-1
Rob Van Dam 4-0
Robert Gibson 0-1
Roddy Piper 2-4-1
Rodney 0-1
Roman Reigns 2-0
Ron Bass 0-1
Ron Garvin 0-1
Rosa Mendes 0-2
Ryback 0-1
Russ Francis 0-1
Sable 3-0
Sabu 1-0
Sam Houston 0-1
Samu 0-1
Sandman 1-0
Santino Marella 2-2
Sapphire 1-0
Savio Vega 0-3
Scott Hall (Razor Ramon) 3-1
Scott Steiner 1-0
Scotty Too Hotty 2-1
SD Jones 0-1
Seth Rollins 2-0
Sgt. Slaughter 1-2
Shane McMahon 2-0
Shannon Moore 0-1
Sharmell 0-1
Shawn Michaels 6-11
Sheamus 1-3
Shelton Benjamin 1-6
Sherri Martel 0-1
Sid 0-2
Sika 0-1
Sin Cara 0-1
Skinner 0-1
Smash (Repo Man) 3-3
Sniper 0-1
Snooki 1-0
Spike Dudley 1-1
Stacy Keibler 0-1
Steve Austin 5-2
Steve Blackman 0-2
Summer Rae 0-1
Sunny 0-1
Tajiri 0-1
Taka Michinoku 1-1
Tama 1-0
Tamina Snuka 0-1
Tanaka 1-0
Tatanka 2-0
Tazz 1-1
Ted Arcidi 0-1
Ted DiBiase 4-3-1
Ted DiBiase Jr. 0-1
Terri Runnels 1-0
Terry Funk 2-0
Terry Taylor 1-0
Test 1-2
The Rock 5-5
Tiffany 0-1
Tito Santana 1-7
Titus O’Neil 0-1
Tom Zenk 1-0
Tommy Dreamer 1-0
Tony Atlas 0-1
Tori 0-1
Torrie Wilson 2-1
Triple H 8-10
Trish Stratus 3-2
Tully Blanchard 1-0
Typhoon (Tugboat) 1-1
Ultimate Warrior 4-1
Ultimo Dragon 0-1
Umaga 0-2
Uncle Elmer 0-1
Undertaker 21-1
Vader 1-0-1
Val Venis 0-2
Velvet McIntyre 0-1
Vickie Guerrero 1-0
Victoria 1-2
Vince McMahon 0-4
Virgil 2-0
Wade Barrett 0-1
Warlord 0-2
Wendi Richter 1-0
William Perry 0-1
William Regal 0-2
X-Pac 0-2
Xavier Woods 0-1
Yokozuna 3-3
Yoshi Tatsu 0-1
Zack Ryder 0-2


»Karta Walk

Kick Off (Pre Show)
WWE Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way at WrestleMania Kickoff
WWE Tag Team ChampionshipFatal-4-Way
Cesaro & Tyson Kidd© vs. The New Day (Big E & Kofi Kingston) vs. Los Matadores vs. The Usos

Druga rocznica Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Potwierdzeni uczestnicy:
Aktualnie potwierdzeni:
1. The Miz
2. Curtis Axel
3. Ryback
4. Fandango
5. Adam Rose
6. Zack Ryder
7. Jack Swagger
8. Titus O’Neil
9. Darren Young
10. Big Show
11. Kane
12. Erick Rowan
13. Damien Mizdow
14. Sin Cara
15. Goldust
16. Heath Slater
17. Mark Henry
18. Konnor
19. Viktor
20. Hideo Itami

Główna część gali:

WrestleManie otworzy aktor i piosenkarz LL Cool J

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Brock Lesnar© vs. Roman Reigns

„The Vigilante” vs. „The King”
Sting vs. Triple H

„The Fenom” vs. „The New Face of Fear”
The Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt

United States Championship
Rusev© vs. John Cena

Singles Match
Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

Divas Tag Team Match
AJ Lee & Paige vs. The Bella Twins

Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match
Daniel Bryan vs. Stardust vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Luke Harper vs. Dean Ambrose vs. R-Truth vs. Bad News Barrett©


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