Już dzisiaj czeka na nas kolejny odcinek TNA iMPACT. Będzie to już 1075. Zapraszam na zapowiedź show! Za niedługo TNA Sacrifice.
Karta walk:
- Singles Match:
Sami Callihan vs Mance Warner - Singles Match:
Oro Mensah vs Mike Santana - Singles Match:
Steve Maclin vs KC Navarro - Singles Match:
Tessa Blanchard vs Kelsey Heather - TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title Match:
Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs Ash By Elegance & Heather By Elegance - Singles Match:
Frankie Kazarian vs Ace Austin - Six Man Tag Team Match:
Oba Femi & The Hardysvs The System (Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards & Moose