Evolve 127 – Wyniki

Wczorajszej nocy w Livonii odbyła się gala EVOLVE 127. Udział w niej wzięli m.in. Babatunde oraz Adam Cole. Wyniki możecie przeczytać poniżej:
Singles Match
Adrian Jaoude def. Josh Briggs
The striking prowess of @adrianjaoude making for a stiff test for the returning Briggs! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/asVYgBbJnV
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Po walce Austin Theory zaatakował Briggsa, ale obronił go Spyder Nate Webb.
.@austintheory1 just crashed the Josh Briggs EVOLVE comeback ? #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/dgc13ikIEI
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Don’t mind @SpyderNateWebb, he just wanted an early look at Theory before #EVOLVE128, that’s all! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/p92yqxmcQJ
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Singles Match
Steven Pena def. Liam Gray
Really impressive showing for @StevePena21! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/hZq2uIF5f0
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Singles Match
Babatunde def. Adrian Alanis
Total domination from @Babatundewwe! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/F6pbOhekiU
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Singles Match
Anthony Greene def. Stephen Wolf
Wait for it… @StephenWolf309 ? #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/qCHU50f1f2
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Singles Match
Anthony Henry def. Juntai
.@Antnyhenry picking up a lot of momentum ahead of tomorrow night’s tag title match! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/fbtiqlKLgY
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Tag Team Match
The Skulk (AR Fox & Leon Ruff) def. Harlem Bravado & Kassius Ohno
.@LeonRuffsxe up and over, taking out Ohno! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/1WFXxvPw4A
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Singles Match
Brandi Lauren def. Randi West
.@Shotziblack has seen and heard enough from Brandi! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/ZFPIL2NFWG
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Singles Match
Curt Stallion def. Eddie Kingston
.@CurtStallion all day! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/nDp5tuy3GM
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
WWN Championship Match
JD Drake def. Joe Gacy
Stunner! @RealJDDrake delivers again! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/zvAqyVtw5h
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Po walce The Unwanted w skład w którego wchodzi Kingston, wyzwali do ringu Babatunde, ale gdy tylko ten wszedł między liny, ci momentalnie uciekli.
The Unwanted calling out @Babatundewwe just turned into one of those „Be careful what you wish for…” stories in record time. #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/oAamEoY1k9
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Non Title Match
Adam Cole def. Austin Theory
Panama Sunrise from @AdamColePro! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/LSx1lGSWew
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
Austina rozproszył Spyder Nate Webb.
.@austintheory1’s attention is focused on @SpyderNateWebb when he should really be looking out for @AdamColePro! #EVOLVE127 #ClubWWN
➡️ #WWNLive.com pic.twitter.com/MS0EBU9tpE
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) 11 maja 2019
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