Zapraszamy do czytania wyników z EVOLVE 101, który odbył się w MCW Arena w Joppa.
Dark Match
Jason Kincaid def. Jarek 1-20 (w/Candy Cartwright)
Tag Team Match
The End (Odinson & Parrow) def. Anthony Henry & James Drake
Singles Match
Fred Yehi def. Shane Mercer
Singles Match
Zack Sabre Jr. def. Chris Dickinson
Singles Match
Joe Keys def. Ken Dixon
No Holds Barred Match
Keith Lee def. Tracy Williams (w/Dominic Garrini & Stokely Hathaway)
EVOLVE Title #1 Contendership Four Way Elimination Match
Matt Riddle def. Austin Theory (w/Priscilla Kelly) and Darby Allin and Jaka